If your saw has been in hibernation since last winter and you’re dusting it off to cut wood for your winter stock, be sure to maintenance the saw before revving it up. In general, you’ll want to go through and check that there are no loose or missing parts. If anything is damaged or missing, you can always come by the shop for repair or replacement parts. Each STIHL chainsaw model also comes with its own instruction manual, get familiar with it. You’ll find recommended maintenance schedules, part information and more.

Chainsaw Basics

Air filter

Under the top cover is the air filter, spark plug, the whole top end workings of the machine. Keep this area clear, and clean the air filter after every use. Engines need clean air to fire properly so get in the habit of checking the filter before and after each use, to make sure it’s clean and ready to fire on. It’s a good idea to replace your filter at least once a year. For cleaning, you can use a little Dawn dish soap and warm water. Let the filter completely dry before replacing it. Also, make sure to clean off the exhaust screen, particularly if the saw spends a good amount of time idling time, or if you’re doing low power cutting.

Bar rotation (balance wear and tear)

STIHL recommends you do this each time you sharpen or replace the chain. The bar has multiple openings so that it can be mounted on either side, which means you can turn the bar over to distribute the wear more evenly over time and extend the life of the chainsaw bar. Otherwise, you’ll be wearing down only one side of the bar and giving it a 50% shorter lifespan. This uneven wear also leads to imprecise, inefficient cutting, and ultimately gives you less control.

Chain sharpening

There are several methods and styles of filing tools to choose from. You can do it yourself, or we have the machinery to efficiently sharpen the chain right here in our shop. We’ll rotate the bar and tension the chain for you too.

Chain tensioning

As you use the chainsaw, the chain is going to stretch and loosen up from the bottom of the bar. A loose chain adds wear and tear to the tip of the bar, increasing your chance of the chain jumping from the saw. For proper chain tension, take a look at the middle of the bar. As soon as the chain drivers (the links that tie the chain together) touch the bottom of the bar, go a half a turn tighter on the tension screw. Check out this video to learn more about chainsaw tensioning.

Spark plug

When the saw is hard to start or running sluggishly, check your spark plug! Spark plugs are affordable and easy to replace, you should have a few backups in your shop, so you can easily replace it when necessary. Word of caution, the spark plug boot can be challenging to open the first few times, take your time and gently work it open so it doesn’t break. It’s important to note, all gas-powered STIHL chainsaws use the same spark plug.

Bar Oil

It’s really important to keep the chain properly lubricated with a high quality bar oil. The chain is moving at very high speeds and generating friction, so it needs lubrication. Every time you fill the fuel, fill the bar oil. The bar oil should never be empty when you go to fill your fuel tank.


Stihl chainsaws are powered by a 2-cycle engine, which means it’s going to need mixed fuel to function. For fairly regular or prolonged usage, buy Stihl HP Ultra and mix it with ethanol-free fuel. When the chainsaw is going into hibernation, store it with Stihl MotoMix for optimal protection from condensation and corrosion. If you can afford it, we recommend fueling every job with Stihl MotoMix.

Safety reminders

Always make sure the chain break, spark arrestor, and switches are all properly installed and in working order before operating the chainsaw. Wear protective equipment whenever you operate your saw, including chaps, safety glasses, gloves, a helmet to protect your head from potential limbs falling, something to protect your ears, and heavy boots.

Chainsaw storage

For next year, a little maintenance before seasonal storage goes a long way in having a ready-to-use chainsaw when you need it. You should be cleaning the chainsaw each time you use it, especially before storing it for any length of time. Oil tends to develop a greasy texture on the bar and chain, use a toothbrush and rag to clean off the debris buildup. Make sure the oilers passageways and any holes and slots on the machine are clean and free of debris.

STIHL also suggests loosening the chain before storing the chainsaw. The fuel tank should generally be emptied before storage, but STIHL MotoMix can be left in the tank during seasonal storage. MotoMix is going to protect the carburetor and the fuel lines and ultimately lead to increased longevity for the saw. We can’t stress enough that it’s important to use ethanol-free gasoline. Ethanol separates from gas and causes condensation/water, which corrodes the engine and parts when it stagnates in the tank

Carl’s Mower & Saw, Your Experts in Outdoor Power Equipment

If you need additional information or guidance, stop by Carl’s Mower and Saw and ask our team. We are ALWAYS here to help. Our service department provides full tune-ups and chain sharpening as well as repair services. Learn more online by visiting www.CarlsMower.com or give us a call 360-384-0799.